in Esperanto
5.1. Economic transition plan
The biggest event during the transition period is the transition from a capitalist market economy to a communist planned economy. With the globalization of capitalism, at the time of the revolution, almost all countries will be under a capitalist economic system in name or in reality (in the form of a socialist market economy or implicit market economy). As expected, such an economic transition will inevitably be a major undertaking, and will need to be carried out in accordance with careful planning.
5.2. Integration of core industries
We have already seen that the cornerstone of a communist economy is a planned economy (sustainable planned economy), but it is impossible to shift from a capitalist market economy to a communist planned economy all at once, so we must first develop a planned economy. It is necessary to begin reorganization through corporate integration in target areas.
Specifically, in addition to steel, electric power, petroleum, shipbuilding, and the machinery industry, transportation, communications, automobiles, and other fields where a planned economy is planned to be introduced, a single comprehensive structure will be created for the establishment of future production business organizations.
After that, we will establish the Preparatory Council on Planned Economy Transition, which will be the predecessor of the Economic Planning Conference, and conduct graphical exercises centered on the directors in charge of each umbrella company to actually formulate economic plans.
The establishment of companies similar to these umbrella companies also occurs in the general consumption field. It is a comprehensive retail company for each provincial area (or quasi-zone) by merging supermarkets and convenience stores. This is an organization that will become the predecessor of the future consumer business cooperative.
5.3. Preparation for abolition of monetary economy
We have already seen that a true communist economy does not rely on monetary exchange, but the abolition of a monetary economy goes beyond the mode of production and is a major change that can almost be described as civilization-historical transformation. As a result, people's lifestyles will undergo major changes. Therefore, it cannot be implemented all at once and is the core of an economic transition plan that requires a particularly careful process.
During the transition period, capitalism, which is based on a chain of monetary exchange, has not been completely abolished, and a considerable portion of it remains (residual capitalism). However, from this point on, it is essential to develop a kind of dry run for adapting to the new economic system of communist economy, which is unknown to most people.
In doing so, we will first start with a trial of free supply of consumer goods with acquisition quantity restrictions that does not involve monetary exchange. Especially daily necessities such as food and some miscellaneous useful items. This partial free supply of goods is similar to wartime/disaster rationing, but it is not a temporary measure but a preparatory process for the coming abolition of the monetary economy.
This trial will be conducted throughout the transition period through designated supply points, centered on the comprehensive retail companies mentioned above, and in collaboration with existing agricultural/fishery companies or cooperatives.
5.4. Land revolution
The economic policy during the transition period that causes the most political debate is the land revolution, that is, making all lands bona vacantia (unowned properties) and their transfer to a public management system.
Since this policy is likely to arouse the strongest opposition and resistance, the Transition Commission needs to promptly issue an ordinance to establish the Land Management Agency, proceed with procedures to extinguish private land ownership rights, and develop a system to control the use of force such as land enclosure by former owners. To this end, the Land Management Agency must have their own investigation and security department in addition to legal department.
5.5. Agricultural reorganization
Communist-style agricultural integration centering on agricultural production organizations is linked to the issue of extinguishing ownership of farmland due to land reform, and there is a risk of a strong backlash, so it is necessary to take sufficient transitional measures to foster understanding and trust among farmers.
First, existing farmer federations such as agricultural cooperatives will be consolidated into nationwide agricultural corporation, reorganized as the predecessor organization of the Agricultural Production Organization, and physical and human preparations will be made for agricultural integration. Here, too, we will conduct a graphical exercise of agricultural production planning, following the basic industry sector mentioned above. A similar restructuring process applies to the fisheries sector.
5.6. Announcement and trial
Since the transition economy plan is vast and affects all industries, a document will be distributed to each industry that explains the general picture and specific measures of the transition process to a communist economy, so that they voluntarily encourage the preparation. Furthermore, efforts will be made to alleviate concerns through the provision of information and thorough dissemination of information, such as distributing to all households a pamphlet that explains in an easy-to-understand manner the new mechanisms of production, labor, and life in general under the communist economy.
In this way, the economic transition plan aims to minimize the confusion that tends to occur during periods of major change in the socio-economic system, through a combination of provision of information through advance notice and trials including graphical exercises.