Friday, October 13, 2023

On Communism:Page58

in Esperanto


6. Communist society begins.

6.1. Early communism

If the temporary confusion during the transition period is minimized and this period is successfully overcome, a communist society will finally begin. This fledgling communist society is the "earliest communist society."

Although this period has passed through the transition period, it is still unstable and a period of change where communist policies are being promoted in earnest. It is difficult to say how long this process will take, but it may be better to allow at least 10 years. The main projects during this period are listed below.

6.2. Abolition of monetary system

The climax of the economic revolution in the earliest communist societies is the abolition of the monetary system. Of course, this does not simply mean abolishing physical money and going cashless, but abolishing the entire monetary system that is forced as a means of exchange, including virtual currencies.(*)  However, there are some points that should be carefully followed.

Originally, it would be ideal to implement this measure simultaneously worldwide through a treaty in order to prevent confusion, so it is desirable to establish the Monetary System Dismantling Mechanism that encompasses the central banks of each zone under the World Commons' Convention, and to provide unified support for the abolition of the monetary system in each zone.

In this process, the total liquidation of financial institutions, especially banks, is essential. To accomplish this task, it is necessary to establish a financial clearing headquarters within each zonal central bank, take over all the clearing companies of each bank and other financial institutions, and organize all accounts.  

All deposits in these clearing accounts will be blocked and invalidated under the control of the central bank, but withdrawal and return procedures will proceed for accounts held in the names of foreigners (including corporations) in countries that are still under capitalist economies. Furthermore, the central bank will oversee the entire process of abolishing the monetary system, and will eventually be abolished itself.  

On the other hand, a time lag is inevitable for a revolution to spread throughout the world. Therefore, if trade with countries that have not yet become communist is to continue for the time being, the central bank must hold the foreign exchange reserves necessary for trade settlement. The remaining trade with these unrevolutionized countries will likely be dealt with by merging all trading companies and establishing a provisional "Integrated Foreign Trade Corporation" that will serve as a unified trade window.  

By the way, a serious problem that may arise if the currency system is abolished is that there may be a rush of foreign tourists trying to acquire goods for free from overseas where the currency system has not yet been abolished.  

In order to deal with this situation, for the time being, foreigners other than permanent residents and long-term residents for a specified period of time will inevitably be regulated with special provisions that will allow them to purchase goods only at some foreign currency payment stores supervised by the central bank. 

Therefore, in the earliest communist societies, along with the continuation of residual trade, some forms of goods involving monetary exchange continue to remain in foreign relations.

*The target of abolition is the official currency issued by the state. Whether or not we should allow the circulation of private currencies (including virtual currencies) that are issued privately and are valid only in specific trading circles is an economic policy issue. If we consider such private currency transactions as a type of barter, it may be acceptable to include them in the category of barter in the free production and distribution process outside a sustainable planned economy. 

6.3. Start of planned economy

The comprehensive companies that had been prepared during the transition period will be converted into various production and business organizations, and the Preparatory Council on Planned Economy Transition will be officially launched as the Economic Planning Conference, and at the same time the first planned economy (the first three-year plan) will be started. Also in fields that adopt an unplanned, free production system, new production organizations like those seen in Chapter 3 will be launched one after another with the abolition of the joint-stock company system.

6.4. Progress of social revolution

In addition to the economic field, the large-scale social revolutions seen in each chapter will be progressing in various fields such as family, welfare, education, and media. However, changes in these fields may take more historical time than in the economic field, and may not be completed within the process of the earliest communist society.

6.5. Inauguration of the zonal Commons' Convention

The key political system in the earliest communist societies is the formal establishment of the Commons' Convention at the zonal level. In other words, after the promulgation and enforcement of the initial Charter, a lottery will be held for the first term of delegates to the Commons' Convention. 

On the other hand, the Revolutionary Transition Commission, which was the central revolutionary organization during the transition period, changed its name to the Revolutionary Council (hereinafter referred to as "the Council"), and its role is changed to an advisory body to the Commons' Convention.

In other words, the Council is consulted or express an opinions on matters being deliberated by the Commons' Convention, and through this, plays an advisory role to the newly established Commons' Convention. The members of the Council are elected by the Commons' Convention from among those who have contributed to the revolution for a term of approximately six years.

At the same time, local Commons' Conventions will also be officially established.

6.6. Abolition of government institutions

During the transition period, the central government structure that still remained is dismantled, and unified governance by the Commons' Convention begins. Along with this, many former ministries and agencies will be converted into policy think tanks that will report directly to the Commons' Convention, but there are also ministries such as the Ministry of Finance and the National Tax Agency that will share their fate with the abolition of the monetary system.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will continue to exist for the time being as the diplomatic agency (diplomatic headquarters) of the Commons' Convention until the World Commonwealth is officially established, which we will see in the next chapter. But after the establishment of the World Commonwealth, the current diplomatic relations between sovereign states will cease to exist, and will be replaced by the World Commonwealth Liaison Mission, which is the resident representative body of the World Commonwealth.

Also, at this stage, the abolition and conversion of the old local government structure will be completed, and the Commons' Conventions in each region will officially begin their activities.

6.7. Implementation of disarmament plan

The disarmament plan formulated during the transition period will enter the implementation stage. Ultimately, if the Charter of the World Commonwealth officially enters into force and a disarmament treaty based on the Charter is concluded, the process of abolition of standing armies will proceed in accordance with the process mandated by the treaty.

6.8. Establishment of the completed Charter

Once the important steps mentioned above have been completed, the Commons' Convention will take the results into account and begin drafting the completed Charter.

The completed Charter corresponds to the "mature communist society" as a process following the earliest communist society, and the important amendment here is that the Council is abolished and completely integrated into the Commons' Convention. In other words, the Commons' Conventionwill stand on its own, and with this, communist society will finally reach a period of maturity.

In order to finalize this completed Charter, it should be approved by a majority in a direct vote by the people of the zone. However, in federal zones, it would be preferable to require approval by a direct vote of a majority of at least three-quarters of the quasi-zones comprising the federation.

6.9. From mature communism to advanced communism

After passing through this mature communist society, when the majority of society's population becomes a "generation that does not know capitalism," it enters a developed communist society, that is, an "advanced communist society."

At this point, for the first time, will a society with a pure voluntary labor system like the one envisaged in Chapter 3 be realized? We have no choice but to leave this to the wisdom of future generations.


Esperanto PREFACE     page1   Chapter 1: LIMITATIONS OF CAPITALISM 1. Capitalism has not won the game.  1.1. Meaning of the dissolution of t...